Community Consultation - Alkane Resources Ltd
Level 12, 37 Bligh Street +61 2 8233 6168

Tomingley Gold Extension Project – Community Consultation

Consultation and keeping our neighbours and the community informed about the Tomingley Gold Extension Project (TGEP) is important to us.  To date, we have met with all of our immediate neighbours and held community meetings in Tomingley in May and October 2021.  We have also spoken to many local residents and groups, as well as included project information in our newsletter and via our mailing list.

For those who could not attend the community meeting on 13 October 2021, we have included a recording of the presentation below. 

Community presentations

Tomingley Gold Extension Community Presentation by Mitchell Bland. Recorded on 13 October 2021

Download a PDF of the presentation

Community newsletters

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What will happen with employment at TGO?

Approximately 230 people are currently employed at TGO. TGEP would see an average of approximately 120 additional positions created –an increase on current employment levels. TGEP would also see jobs extend for many years, until the proposed life of mine of December 2032, and potentially beyond.

How will dust levels be affected?

PM10 are very small particles found in dust. We monitor PM10 data against the national air quality standard of 50µg/m3 over a 24hr period.

Data from TGO indicates that existing dust levels, independent of the TGEP, exceeded that criteria on five occasions during the 12 months monitored as part of the air quality assessment. These dust exceedances are largely dependent on the background dust levels. The assessment determined that additional exceedances may occur as part of the TGEP, with the potentially dustiest activities being transportation of ore and waste rock to TGO and to the SAR Waste Rock Emplacement. By ceasing these activities when monitoring indicates that dust levels are close to the criteria, we seek to eliminate all additional exceedances, except of course where the background dust level is already very close to the criteria (more than 47.5µg/m3).

Will you make the new highway before closing the old?

Yes. The realigned Newell Highway and Kyalite Road will be built with no disruption to normal traffic movements until it’s time to tie the new roads into the existing road network.

Will there be any disruption to the trucking industry regarding the right hand turn where the old highway meets the new section?

No. The Newell Highway will remain the primary road, with no need for highway users to stop or slow for corners or to give way to other traffic.

What will happen to the agricultural land that the TGEP intends to mine?

Approximately 130ha (comprising the proposed final void and relocated Newell Highway and local roads) would be no longer available for agricultural use. This will be offset by reestablishment of approximately 43ha of agricultural land within the Caloma 1 and 2 Open Cuts. In addition, approximately 345ha would be temporarily removed from agriculture but then returned to pasture or cropping use post mining. In addition to this, it is proposed to undertake a range of other activities to nearly double the agricultural productivity of the rest of the agricultural land owned, so that when mining finishes, the productivity of the land as a whole will be more than it is today.

Where will the highway sit at McPhails?

The realigned Newell Highway will be constructed to the west of the McPhail Mine and will not disturb land within the McPhail Crown reserve.